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Deallocate - Terminating a conversation


A CPI-C program uses the Deallocate (CMDEAL) call to end a conversation abnormally. After the call has been executed successfully, the conversation_ID is no longer assigned to a conversation. Normally, a conversation is always ended together with the UTM process. Termination of a conversation by the CPI-C program is always regarded as abnormal. The value of deallocate_type must therefore be set to CM_DEALLOCATE_ABEND by the Set_Deallocate_Type (CMSDT) call before a Deallocate call is issued.

CMDEAL (conversation_ID, return_code)


--> conversation_ID

Identifier of the conversation to be ended.

<-- return_code

Result of the function call.

Result (return_code)


The call is OK.


The call is not permitted in the current state.


The value of conversation_ID is invalid.


The value of deallocate_type has not been set to CM_DEALLOCATE_ABEND by a preceding Set_Deallocate_Type call.

State change

If the return code is CM_OK, the program enters the “Reset” state. In all other error situations, the program does not change its state.

Behavior in the event of errors


Modify program.


Modify program.


Modify the program and incorporate the Set_Deallocate_Type call.

Function declaration: Deallocate
CM_ENTRY Deallocate ( unsigned char CM_PTR conversation_ID,
                     CM_RETURN_CODE CM_PTR return_code)