The Initialize_Conversation (CMINIT) call reads the entry specified by the symbolic destination name in the upicfile
and initializes the conversation characteristics. The characteristics partner_LU_name, partner_LU_name_lth, TP_name, and TP_name_length are assigned corresponding values from the upicfile
. All other conversation characteristics are initialized with default values.
In addition to initializing the conversation characteristics, this call also specifies whether the user data will be converted automatically from ASCII to EBCDIC (or vice versa) during the next Send or Receive calls. Conversion takes place:
in Unix, Linux and Windows systems, if the identifier HD is placed before the symbolic destination name
in BS2000 systems, if the identifier SD is placed before the symbolic destination name.
For details see also "Side information for standalone UTM applications".
The call returns an eight-character conversation_ID. This uniquely identifies the conversation and must be used in all subsequent CPI-C calls to address the conversation.
It is possible to change the initial values of the conversation characteristics TP_name, TP_name_length, receive_type and deallocate_type at a later stage. The Set_TP_Name, Set_Receive_Type and Set_Deallocate_Type calls are provided for this purpose. A value changed with a Set call is applicable until the end of the conversation or until a new Set call is issued.
The Set calls are not part of the CPI-C starter set, but are advanced-function calls.
CMINIT (conversation_ID, sym_dest_name, return_code)
<-- conversation_ID | Identifier assigned to the conversation and returned to the program as a result parameter. |
--> sym_dest_name | If you use no |
<-- return_code | Result of the function call. |
Result (return_code)
The call is OK.
The value of sym_dest_name or local_name (with Enable_UTM_UPIC) is invalid or the specified entry in the
could not be read or is syntactically invalid.An attempt (if any) to sign on to or sign off from the transport interface was unsuccessful.
In sym_dest_name or in local_name (with Enable_UTM_UPIC) an empty name was specified but there is no corresponding default entry in the
or the default entry is invalid.Error in the
The CD or ND entries for the specified sym_dest_name are not consecutive or the CD entries for the specified sym_dest_name contain different TACs.
A conversation is already active for this program, or no Enable_UTM_UPIC call has been issued yet.
The transport interface did not respond as expected.
State change
If the return code is CM_OK, the program enters the “Initialize” state and the conversation characteristics are initialized. Further details can be found in “Conversation characteristics” (CPI-C terms). In all other error conditions, the program does not change its state.
The Initialize_Conversation call must be executed by the program before another call is issued for this conversation.
If the Initialize_Conversation call or the subsequent Set calls of the program supply invalid information for establishing the conversation, errors of a syntactical kind are detected immediately but semantic errors are not detected until the Allocate (CMALLC) call is executed.
Multiple programs can connect with the same name if CONNECT-MODE=MULTI is defined for the corresponding TPOOL statement.
With a remote connection:
The function may sign the program on to the transport system (e.g.TCP/IP, PCMX, BCAM) using the name of the preceding Enable_UTM_UPIC call. No signing on takes place if the program is already signed on with the same name.
Any remaining connection to a partner (except for the partner in the
) is shut down.
With a local connection (UPIC on Unix, Linux and Windows systems):
The function performs the sign-on to the UTM-internal process communication (with the UTM application name from the
) if the program is not yet signed on with the same name. If the program is still signed on with a different name, it is first signed off from the UTM-internal process communication. An existing conversation with this UTM application is hereby implicitly shut down. Only then is the program signed on with the new name.At sign-on to the UTM application, the applifile of the UTM application is read. For this purpose the shell variable UTMPATH, which points to the corresponding UTM directory utmpath, is interpreted. This variable must have been set.
Behavior in the event of errors
Create the
or set the environment variable or job variable UPICPATH to the correct values. Check the BCMAP entry in BS2000 systems.Enter the current sym_dest_name in the
or check the entry for sym_dest_name for correct syntax.With a local connection on Unix, Linux and Windows systems: set the environment variable UTMPATH to the correct values. It is also possible that there is no longer a semaphore available.
Modify the
: Check and adjust the CD and ND entries, respectively.
Modify the program or inform the service department and produce diagnostic report.
CM_ENTRY Initialize_Conversation ( unsigned char CM_PTR conversation_ID, unsigned char CM_PTR sym_dest_name, CM_RETURN_CODE CM_PTR return_code)