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tpcall (Windows systems)


tpcall is a simple XATMI application program which allows you to implement a synchronous request/response with the sample UTM application. tpcall consists of the files listed in the following table, which are stored in the subdirectory xatmi\samples after installation

File name

Type of file


C source code for the program; can be printed out


Microsoft Visual C++ Developer Studio project file for creating an “.exe” file


Executable tpcall program

Before using tpcall to communicate with the sample application, you must first:

  • make entries in the upicfile  as with uptac (see section “uptac (Windows systems)”)

  • create a local configuration file by clicking on the XATMIGEN symbol in the Fujitsu Software openUTM-Client <variant> program window.

    The supplied local definition file xatmi\samples\tpcall.ldf.smp is then used to create the file xatmilcf (in the same directory).

If you want tpcall to be able to communicate with other applications, you may have to make changes to the upicfile and, hence, to the local definition file tpcall.ldf.smp
(SVCU ... DEST statement, see also section “Configuring UPIC”).