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UpicAnalyzer and UpicReplay on 64-bit Linux systems


The programs UpicAnalyzer and UpicReplay are components of the Workload Capture & Replay function. Workload Capture & Replay is a multi-component program package that is used for UTM application load simulation.

These two programs, UpicAnalyzer and UpicReplay ,are briefly described below. The concept underlying Workload Capture & Replay, as well as further details, can be found in the platform-specific openUTM manual “Using UTM Applications”.

  • The UpicAnalyzer program must be compatible with the openUTM version which has been used for capturing. „openUTM-Client V7.0 for the UPIC carrier system“ is compatible with openUTM V7.0, for example.

  • The version of the UpicReplay program can only process input files which have been created using the same version of the UpicAnalyzer program.