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Runtime environment, linking, starting


Execution of CPI-C programs is controlled by environment variables or, on BS2000 systems, by the link name of the job variables. The following tables list the variables necessary for this.

Unix, Linux and Windows systems

Environment variable



Specifies the directory in which the side information file (upicfile) is stored. If the variable is not set, the file is sought in the current directory.


Specifies the name of the side information file. If the variable is not set, the file name upicfile is set.


Specifies the directory in which the log file is stored. The the default value set depends on the platform used; see section “UPIC log file”.


Controls the creation of a trace, see "UPIC trace".


specifies the name of the openSSL library.

If the variable is not set, the following defaults are used:

Unix- and Linux systems:

Windows systems: libeay32.dll

If the the openSSL library can't be loaded, encryption functionality is not available.

BS2000 systems

Link name of the
job variable



Specifies the partially qualified file name [:catid:$progid.<partial-name>] under which the side information file (upicfile) is stored. If the variable is not set, the system searches for the file under $progid. $progid is the user ID in which the program is running.


Specifies the right-hand part of the name of the side information file. If this variable is not set, the file name is set to upicfile.
The complete file name is composed of UPICPAT.UPICFIL.If neither UPICPAT nor UPICFIL is set, the file name is "$progid.UPICFILE".


Specifies the partially qualified file name under which the logging file is to be stored. The value which is assumed if the variable is not set depends on the platform used, see UPIC trace.


Controls configuration of a trace, see section “UPIC trace”.

The following pages describe what you have to take into account when creating and implementing a CPI-C application on your system, depending on the platform used.