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Automatic checks

Detecting user errors

If a terminal user enters an illegal user command, openUTM responds with an appropriate message.

If a terminal user presses illegal keys when filling out an input format, openUTM detects this and outputs the relevant input format again. The terminal user is thus given the opportunity to correct the erroneous input.

Consistency checks when starting the application

When starting the application, openUTM performs automatic consistency checks. For instance, if an attempt is made to start an application using components from different openUTM versions, or if the configuration files (KDCFILE and possibly also UTM cluster files) do not match or are inconsistent, openUTM aborts the startup process and outputs a message describing the nature of the error.

Internal validation routines

The UTM code contains a series of internal validation routines. If errors or inconsistencies are detected which may corrupt the application data, openUTM immediately terminates the UTM application, closes all open files, and creates a specific UTM dump for each application process. The UTM application can then be restarted with logically consistent data. During an automatic restart, each client is informed of the processing state of its own particular jobs.