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Defining the configuration

To run the application program, you must provide information on the following:

  • application properties (maximum values, timers etc.)

  • name and properties of user IDs

  • system and data access control

  • name and properties of clients and partner servers

  • name and properties of transaction codes and program units

  • reservations for dynamic configuration

  • properties of UTM cluster applications

This information is known collectively as configuration information, and is stored in the KDCFILE. The KDCFILE can consist of more than one file (see "The KDCFILE - the “application memory”"), and is created using the KDCDEF generation tool.

In addition to the KDCFILE, KDCDEF creates the source text for the ROOT tables. These ROOT tables contain allocation information required internally when using the application.

You have the choice of producing the KDCFILE and the ROOT table sources during a single KDCDEF run, or separately in different KDCDEF runs. If two KDCDEF runs are used, then both runs must receive the same input data.

You must provide KDCDEF with an input file containing KDCDEF control statements that describe the desired configuration.