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TAC queues

TAC queues are permanent, service-controlled message queues. They have a fixed name that is specified at generation. Any service can access TAC queues by means of a program call, provided it knows the name of the queue. To prevent uncontrolled access, TAC queues are integrated in the openUTM authorization concept. This allows you to assign the access rights role-specifically.

A TAC queue exists for an unlimited period of time unless it is explicitly deleted during administration.

Example for the usage of TAC queues

The diagram below shows an example of how you can use TAC queues to forward messages to the WinAdmin graphical administration workstation and archive them there. This example can be carried out analogously using WebAdmin.

Figure 26: Example: Use of a TAC queue for WinAdmin message collectors

The message collector is defined in WinAdmin. It represents a polling mechanism that retrieves the UTM messages from the TAC queue either cyclically or when explicitly requested, depending on the setting in WinAdmin. On the UTM side, all that needs to be done in this case is for the TAC queue to be generated and a message module to be created in which it is specified which messages are to be sent to the TAC queue.

The poll service for WinAdmin and WebAdmin is shipped with openUTM (KDCWADM program unit).

To find out how to define TAC queues and specify their properties, refer to the openUTM manual “Generating Applications” (look for the keywords TAC, Q-READ-ACL, Q-WRITE-ACL and TAC queue).