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UTM processes

Every UTM application running in the BS2000 system includes a homogeneous process family. In other words, all the application’s processes are identically equipped, and any process can take on any job. The processes are implemented as BS2000 tasks.

The linked application program is started as a batch job by a BS2000 procedure. The process started in this way is the first process of the UTM application and first of all configures the application. This process then activates the number of follow-up processes specified in the application generation or in the start procedure. The follow-up processes attach themselves to the existing application.

After the application start, all processes of the UTM application wait for jobs in a shared process queue. If a job arrives, it is assigned to a process waiting in the process queue. This process handles the job and then rejoins the process queue.

If there are more jobs than work processes at any one time, a job queue is established. Both the job queue and the process queue are application-specific, i.e. each application has its own process queue and job queue.