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openUTM provides functions that allow computer centers to charge users of a UTM application for the computing power used. Users are understood to be the UTM user IDs with which a user signs on. In the case of distributed processing, the session (LU6.1) or the association (OSI TP without cross-application user concept) is used instead of the user ID, so that accounting is also possible under these circumstances.

Accounting can be based on actual usage (consumption) or using a fixed price.

Fixed price

When fixed-price accounting is used, openUTM charges the user account a specific
number of accounting units every time a specific service is called. In order to determine the fixed price of a given service, openUTM can record the resource utilization of services, such as the average CPU consumption. Using these records, the number of units to be charged for the individual services can be determined via generation. Some services may be free, such as informational services.

Consumption accounting

When consumption accounting is used, openUTM determines the current resource utilization of a user (according to seconds of CPU time, for example) and charges the units used to the user’s account at predefined intervals. Depending on the system, the accounting process can distinguish various resources, such as the CPU, printer output or input/output, and weight their usage differently.

Accounting can be activated or deactivated while the system is running or separately via generation.

Accounting with openUTM on the various platforms is described in detail in the respective openUTM manual “Using UTM Applications”.