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SNMP subagent for openUTM

The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) management protocol belongs to the TCP/IP protocol family and is the de-facto standard for system and application management in addition to being the standard for network management.

The SNMP subagent for openUTM binds the openUTM transaction monitor in a distributed control center and

  • allows you to obtain a complete overview of all objects belonging to a UTM application such as system parameters, physical and logical terminals, TACs, users, etc., for selected UTM applications,

  • integrates UTM applications in the graphical network card of an SNMP manager and allows you to display the states in color and

  • provides administration functions such as the ability to change the properties of an application, locking and unlocking clients, starting and terminating an application.

The subagent communicates with the UTM application being monitored via the CPI-C interface with UPIC as carrier system and can only be connected to one application at a time.

The SNMP Master Agent with its SNMP subagents can be connected in principle to all management centers via SNMP, e.g. to the CA Unicenter. This product offers all capabilities for the integration of any system with private MIBs (Management Informations Bases).