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Program interface UTM-HTTP

openUTM provides a number of functions to read and write segments of an HTTP message from an HTTP exit or a program unit. These  functions can be used to control the program flow and transfer segments of the response message to UTM.

The following list provides an overview. The functions are provided for the C / C++ programming language.

kcHttpGetHeaderByIndexreturns name and value of the HTTP header field  with the specified index
kcHttpGetHeaderByNamereturns the value of HTTP header field with the specified HTTP header name
kcHttpGetHeaderCountreturns the number of HTTP header fields of the HTTP request that can be read by the program
kcHttpGetMethodreturns the HTTP method of the HTTP request
kcHttpGetMputMsgreturns the MPUT message created by the program unit
kcHttpGetPathreturns the HTTP path of the HTTP request normalized
kcHttpGetQueryreturns the HTTP query of the HTTP request normalized
kcHttpGetRc2StringHelp function to convert a function result of type enum into a printable null-terminated string
kcHttpGetReqMsgBodyreturns the message body of the HTTP request
kcHttpGetSchemereturns the scheme of the HTTP request
kcHttpGetVersionreturns the HTTP version of the HTTP request
kcHttpPercentDecodedecodes the percent-encoded representation of a character
kcHttpPutMgetMsgpasses a message for the program unit which can be read with MGET 
kcHttpPutStatuspasses an HTTP status code for the HTTP response
kcHttpPutHeaderpasses an HTTP header field for the HTTP response 
kcHttpPutRspMsgBodypasses a message for the message body of the HTTP response 

You will find detailed information about the programming interface UTM-HTTP in the openUTM manual "Programming applications with KDCS".