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The KDCS universal program interface

The KDCS interface was defined and standardized (DIN 66 265) as a non-proprietary interface for transaction-oriented applications.

It offers the following features:

  • a comprehensive range of function calls which can be used universally(e.g. for pseudo-conversations, message queuing, or direct communication with terminals)

  • KDCS-specific storage areas for simple, reliable programming

  • event management functions

KDCS is available for C, C++ and COBOL, and on BS2000 systems for Assembler, Fortran,PL/I and Pascal-XT.

Detailed information on the KDCS program interface can be found in the openUTM manual “Programming Applications with KDCS for COBOL, C, and C++”. Separate supplementary manuals are also provided online for the additional programming languages supported on BS2000 systems.