When you have services that access security-relevant data, it is sensible to restrict access to a limited number of authorized users. openUTM offers two possible methods of data access control which allow you to set different data access authorizations in a UTM application:
access list concept (service-oriented)
lock/key code concept (user-oriented)
Both processes use, for the most part, the same generation interfaces.
The greatest difference lies in the way in which the UTM objects are seen: The access list concept allows you to specify a list of codes for each service. These codes specify which user (types) are permitted to access the data. The lock/key code concept allows you to define an (individual) lock code for each service and then assigns each user the appropriate key codes.
Services whose TACs are not secured by a lock code or access list can be called by all users without restriction.
For detailed information about the access list and the lock/key code concepts see the openUTM manual “Concepts und Functions”. |