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Connecting clients to the application

This section describes the generation of terminals, UPIC clients, HTTP clients, transport system applications and OpenCPIC clients. Transport system applications are DCAM, CMX and socket applications as well as UTM applications that are generated as transport system applications. These will subsequently be referred to as TS applications.

The options that the UPIC clients offer are described in detail in the manual „openUTM-Client for the UPIC Carrier System”.

Each client that wants to use the services of a UTM application must be known to the UTM application. A client is known to a UTM application if it is assigned to a logical connection point defined in the configuration. There are various different types of client:

  • For terminals, UPIC clients and TS applications, a logical connection point is known as an LTERM partner. There are two methods of connecting to an LTERM partner:
    • You generate the client for an individual connection by defining the physical client using a PTERM statement and then assigning an exclusive LTERM partner, see below. A client must always be generated with PTERM, when connections to this client are to be established in the UTM application (e.g. to TS applications). You only need to issue a PTERM statement to other clients when you want to assign the other client a specific logical property, e.g. special access rights that you do not want to assign to any LTERM pool.
    • You define a pool of LTERM partners, also called an LTERM pool, see "LTERM pools". You can connect several clients using the LTERM pool.

  • For OpenCPIC clients, the logical connection point is known as the OSI LPAP partner. It is possible to establish several parallel connections via an OSI LPAP partner.

The first two sections show the basic steps required to connect a client. The section "Defining the client sign-on services" through section "Examples of the generation of a client/server cluster" go into more detail on certain topics, including the signing-on process, security functions and addressing.