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Querying the language environment in a UTM program unit

In the initialization phase, openUTM transfers information to a program unit regarding the locale of the user who started the associated service. The prerequisite is that the INIT call is used with the operation modification PU and that the program requests the information. See also the openUTM manual „Programming Applications with KDCS”.

If the user has not yet signed on, openUTM transfers the locale of the LTERM partner via which the connection to the application was established. The program unit can then correctly interpret the code and terminology in the input from the communication partner and can generate messages in the language used by the communication partner.

Specifications on the user-specific character set are required because the user-specific character set is used to output dialog messages to 8-bit terminals if no edit profile or format with CCS names is assigned with MPUT. The program unit must take this into account when structuring the message.

The character set of the LTERM partner is used to output asynchronous messages to 8-bit terminals if no edit profile or format with CCS name is specified with FPUT. Information on the character sets supported by the terminal can be obtained using the KDCS call INFO LO.

In addition to the locale of the LTERM partner associated with the service, you can also use INFO LO to query the ISO character sets supported by the terminal. If the user-specific or LTERM partner-specific character set is not compatible with one of the ISO character sets supported, the service may be aborted or, in the case of asynchronous messages, the message may be lost.