The Concepts and Functions manual briefly describes how openUTM is connected to the openSEAS product environment. The following sections indicate which openSEAS documentation is relevant to openUTM.
Integrating Java EE application servers and UTM applications
The BeanConnect adapter forms part of the openSEAS product suite. The BeanConnect adapter implements the connection between conventional transaction monitors and
Java EE application servers and thus permits the efficient integration of legacy applications in Java applications.
The manual BeanConnect describes the product BeanConnect, that provides a JCA 1.5- and JCA 1.6-compliant adapter which connects UTM applications with applications based on Java EE, e.g. the Oracle application server.
Connecting to the web and application integration
Alternatively, you can use the WebTransactions product instead of the UTM HTTP program interface. Then you will need the WebTransactions manuals. The manuals will also be supplemented by JavaDocs.