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DATABASE - define a database system (BS2000 systems)

The DATABASE control statement allows you to define the database systems with which the UTM application is to coordinate.

Each database system must be defined in a separate DATABASE statement. By issuing several DATABASE statements for the same database system, you can assign several entry names to that database system.

The DATABASE statement can be issued several times. It is thus possible to define up to three (in a special release, up to eight) different database systems.


 [ ENTRY=entryname ]
 [ ,USERID=username | C‘username‘ ]
 [ ,PASSWORD=C'password' ]
 [ ,LIB=omlname | LOGICAL-ID(logical-id) } ]
 [ ,TYPE={ UDS | SESAM | LEASY | DB | XA | CIS } ]
 [ ,XA-INST[-NAME]=inst-name ]



Entry name of the database. The following default values apply:










if TYPE = DB

When generating the XA connection with TYPE=XA in openUTM on BS2000 systems, the name of the XA switch as it is provided by the database system must be specified with the ENTRY parameter. It is possible to generate several XY switches in the DATABASE statement.

A database connection to Oracle must be generated with TYPE = XA.

Other entry names (e.g. SQLUDS for UDS/SQL) can be found in the manuals for the respective database systems.


username | C‘username‘

Specifies a user name for the database system. The user name can be up to 30 characters in length.

This functionality is only provided for Oracle databases. openUTM passes this name to the database system in the Open string.

If a user name is to be passed to the database system in lowercase characters, then you must use the format C'username'.

Alternatively, the user name can be transferred to the database system by means of start parameters.

For XA databases (TYPE=XA), it is possible to modify the user name and/or the password by means of dynamic administration.



Specifies a password for the database system. The password can be up to 30 characters in length.

This functionality is only provided for Oracle databases. openUTM passes the password to the database system in the Open string.

Alternatively, the password can be transferred to the database system by means of start parameters.


Specifies library from which the connection module for the database system is dynamically loaded.


OML name which the connection module for the database system is to be loaded dynamically. omlname can be up to 54 characters in length.


Specifies that a search is to be made for the connection module in the IMON installation path for the database system and that the module is to be loaded from there.
logical-id is a name up to 15 characters long. It may be specified only for SESAM/SQL and UDS/SQL; it is SYSLNK for both database systems, refer also to the notes in section "Notes on using LOGICAL-ID".

If you do not specify LIB= , then LIB= is set to TASKLIB. This does not correspond to the SET-TASKLIB command, rather a library named TASKLIB must exist. Dynamic loading of the connection module from the library assigned with SYSFILE-TASKLIB is not supported.

During the dynamic load, the DBL searches for the connection module first in the library that you specified in LIB= . If this library does not exist, then the DBL aborts the search. If the library exists but the connection module is not found there, then the DBL searches the alternative libraries. These libraries are the libraries that have been assigned a file chain name BLSLIBnn (0<=nn<=99).

If several DATABASE statements are issued with the same TYPE in order to generate a number of entries for the same database, the connection module is loaded from the library specified in the LIB operand of the first DATABASE statement with the relevant TYPE.

Notes on using LOGICAL-ID

  • LIB=LOGICAL-ID(logical-id) may be specified only if the database system was correctly installed with IMON. If the database system was not installed with IMON, you must either statically link the connection module (without the LIB= operand) or you must specify LIB=omlname.

  • Using LOGICAL-ID(logical-id) instead of omlname has the advantage that the openUTM application is then independent of the installation paths and library names of the database system.

  • If you specify LIB=LOGICAL-ID(SYSLNK) and if several product versions are installed, the most recent version is used by default.

  • If you do not want the most recent version to be loaded, you must either specify the library of a less recent version using LIB=omlname or you must assign the version before starting the openUTM application (using the SELECT-PRODUCT-VERSION command of IMON).

  • If an error occurs when searching for the connection module in the IMON installation path, application start is aborted and the error is logged to SYSOUT.


This identifies the database system.

With TYPE=DB you can also connect to database systems other than those named above. This is only possible when the database system supports the IUTMDB interface.

Default: UDS


This parameter is permitted only if TYPE=XA was specified.

inst-name is the local name for the XA instance which is 1 to 4 characters long.

If more than one DATABASE statement with TYPE=XA is generated for an application, the statements must differ from XA-INST-NAME in their values. In the case of applications with just one XA database, the parameter can be omitted.

The string specified for XA-INST-NAME must be specified after the string ".RMXA" in the prefix for the start parameters for this database.


Specification in the DATABASE statement:


Specification in the start parameters for this data base:

.RMXADB1 RMXA RM="rm-name",OS="open-string",...

Default: blanks