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MUX - define a multiplex connection (BS2000 systems)

The MUX control statement allows you to define the name and properties of a multiplex connection between the UTM application and a Session Manager (OMNIS). This multiplex connection can then be used simultaneously by several terminals to sign on to the UTM application.

The initiative for establishing the transport connection between openUTM and the Session Manager can come from either side, but only the Session Manager can open a session.


 [ ,BCAMAPPL=local_appliname ]
 [ ,CONNECT={ Y | N } ]
 [ ,MAXSES=number ]
   ,PRONAM={ processorname | C’processorname’ }
 [ ,STATUS={ ON | OFF} ]



Name of the multiplex connection

The specified name must be unique and must not be assigned to any other object in name class 3. See also section “Uniqueness of names and addresses"



Local name of the UTM application as defined in the MAX statement (APPLINAME on "MAX - define UTM application parameters") or BCAMAPPL statement (see "BCAMAPPL - define additional application names"). This name is then used to establish a connection to the Session Manager, i.e. the Session Manager must specify local_appliname as the partner name when connecting to the UTM application. By issuing several MUX statements with different BCAMAPPL names, you can set up parallel connections to the Session Manager.

Application name defined in the statement MAX APPLINAME=appliname


Set up the local transport connection on application start


When starting the application, openUTM attempts to establish a logical transport connection to the Session Manager.

If unsuccessful, openUTM repeats its attempt to establish the connection at intervals defined in MAX ...,CONRTIME=time.

Default: Y


When starting the application, openUTM does not attempt to establish a connection to the Session Manager.



Maximum number of simultaneously active sessions between the Session Manager and the UTM application

openUTM creates number LTERM partners internally for the specified number of sessions. The number of LTERM partners must be taken into consideration in the maximum number of UTM names. See section "Maximum values for names" (Number of names).

Default value: 10
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 65000 (theoretical value)


Transport priority to be used on the transport connection between the Session Manager and the UTM application

Default: MEDIUM


{ processorname | C’processorname’ }

Name of the system on which the Session Manager is located.
If the processorname contains special characters it must be entered as a character string using C’...’.


Status of the multiplex connection


The connection to the Session Manager is not locked.

Default: ON


The connection to the Session Manager is locked. A connection cannot be established between the Session Manager and the UTM application.

This status can be modified by the administrator.