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The tool KDCUPD - updating the KDCFILE

You can use the KDCUPD tool after regenerating your UTM application to transfer important user data and administration information of the production application from the old KDCFILE to the new one. In addition, you can use the KDCUPD update tool to switch from an older openUTM version to the current new openUTM version without losing the data from the previous production application in the KDCFILE.

The same applies to UTM cluster applications on Unix, Linux and Windows systems, both for the KDCFILEs of the node applications and for the user data and management information in the UTM cluster files created during generation.

You can use the KDCUPD statement TRANSFER to control which data are to be transferred. KDCUPD automatically carries out a consistency check for the KDCFILE files prior to transfer.

You can use the KDCUPD statement CHECK to check the completeness and consistency of the KDCFILE files of an application without transferring data.

In the case of UTM cluster applications, a distinction is made in the KDCUPD run depending on whether the data of a KDCFILE or the data from the UTM cluster files is to be transferred. For details, see "Update generation for UTM cluster applications".