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HTTP Status Codes

In the communication between HTTP clients and UTM as HTTP server the server may return error information via the status code of the HTTP protocol.

Some possible values of the status codes are defined in RFC7231 "HTTP 1.1 - Semantics and Content". The specific description of the status codes when used by openUTM is contained int the reason phrase of an HTTP response – see columne „UTM reason phrase“ in the table below.


Please find the description of the reaon phrases set by openUTM in the following table.

Status-CodeStandard Reason PhraseUTM Reason PhraseDescription
client errors

400   bad request   too many HTTP headersThe HTTP request contains more than 125 HTTP header fields
invalid HTTP header format

Invalid or unsupported format of the Authorization Header:

- does not begin with "BASIC"

- invalid length of Userid and/or password

- separator ":" missing

error on parsing HTTP headersError when parsing the HTTP headers:
- header not terminated with CRLF
Host header missing

Error when parsing the HTTP headers:
- HOST header missing

401unauthorizeduser not authorized- Authentication error; see message K147

- Requesting the client to supply authentication data

403forbidden TAC not allowed - Authorization missing for the called TAC:

   - LTERM does not have a key for the TAC

   - USER does not have a key for the TAC

   - USER does not have administration rights 

- TAC has status OFF

- PTERM does not have the necessary encryption level for the TAC

404not foundTAC not found

No matching HTTP Descriptor found for the URL path and one of the following conditions applies: - the path (without trainling "/") is of size null or larger than 8
- for a path with a size not larger than 8 no matching TAC was found
- the TAC is not a service TAC
- the TAC is no dialogue TAC
- the TAC has no program assigned to it
- the TAC is an Xopen TAC

405method not allowedmethod not found or invalidThe input message does not start with GET / PUT / POST / HEAD / TRACE / DELETE / OPTIONS / CONNECT followed by a blank
408request timeoutrequest timeout The input message was not completely received within the expected time period. 
This error may also occur if the value in the Content-Length header is larger than the message body of the HTTP request.
413 request entity too large header section too longThe combined length of all header fields of the HTTP request is larger than 8192
HTTP body too longThe value of the Content-Length header is larger than 32000
414URL too longrequest line too longThe total length of the request line is larger than 2048
server errors 

500internal server errorinternal server error

- Pagepool full: message can not be stored

- Service terminated abnormally; see message K017 sent to the client

501 not implemented transfer encoding rejectedHTTP header TRANSFER-ENCODING is not supported
method not supportedThe methods HEAD / TRACE / OPTIONS / CONNECT are not supported
503service unavailableURL path not valid- Invalid path:   
- Does not start with "/"   
- Contains one of the characters ":", "*", "#", "//"   
- Error during  normaliziation of the path
- Error during  normaliziation of the query
TAC lockedTAC is locked (HALT) or tagged for deletion
505 HTTP version not supported HTTP version not found or invalidNo (valid) HTTP version found in the request line
HTTP version not supportedVersion is different from 1.1