In the event of serious errors, openUTM generates a UTM dump of all relevant data. Possible reasons for a UTM dump are as follows:
a program unit has issued a PEND ER call
a KDCS return code KCRCCC >= 70Z occurred in an application program because of a severe error in a KDCS call or an error during interoperation with a database or formatting system or because an STXIT event occurred.
a diagnostic dump was requested (e.g. KDCDIAG)
an error in the UTM system code or in other software components such as BS2000 system, FHS, internal formatting routines or VTSU or an unrecoverable error in cooperation witha database system caused the abortion of the application run.
In the last instance, the UTM dumps are written from all tasks of the application and in all other cases, only the dump for the task concerned. All dumps are written in compressed form.