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Modifying message output

The message definition file defines the way in which openUTM issues standard messages, i.e. which text is used, which destination it is sent to, etc., together with constraints as to the extent to which they can be modified. If you wish to change these default characteristics, you must generate your own message module and link it to the UTM application. 

The following changes may be made:

  • Adding or omitting message destinations (with KDCMMOD) such as issuing further messages to SYSOUT or entering the destination MSGTAC as a requirement for using an MSGTAC program, for example.

  • Translating message texts into a different language and transferring them in the message definition file with the KDCMTXT tool ("Messages in other languages - the KDCMTXT tool").

  • Changing message texts with the KDCMMOD tool ("Generating a user-specific message module with KDCMMOD"), such as adding or removing (permitted) inserts to/from a message text, converting texts into lowercase/uppercase letters, etc.

  • Defining text constants. These can be used in many message texts. Control characters are also included here.

However, individually designed message output is only possible for UTM applications that have been linked with the modified message module. It will have no effect on other UTM applications in the same computer and do not require any changes to the BS2000 system.

You can also create a number of your own message modules and link them into the application. This gives you the option of tailoring the output of messages to your users, e.g. by issuing them in different languages. 
The message destinations are taken from an application-specific standard message module (see "Generating a user-specific message module with KDCMMOD" ).

Users may only perform modifications to the message definition file with the aid of the tools KDCMTXT.

The KDCMTXT tool must be used when translating all message texts into another language (see "Messages in other languages - the KDCMTXT tool"). If only a few texts are modified for a language contained in the message definition file, the KDCMMOD tool can be used.

Message output exceptions

When UTM messages are output, openUTM takes the message text and the current message destinations from the system message module, or the message destinations from the standard message module and the message texts from the standard message module or from a user-defined message module (if one or more user-defined message modules have been generated). However, the following exceptions to this exist:

  • For some messages output by ROOT modules (e.g. for K078), English message texts are programmed in, and the output for these messages thus cannot be changed.

  • In the start and end handling of the tasks, for technical reasons openUTM cannot access the application’s message module(s). In these cases, openUTM takes the message text and the message destinations from the KCSMSGS message module, which contains German message texts. When the UTM subsystem starts up, KCSMSGS is loaded as part of the UTM system code.

If you want openUTM to use the english system message module in an English-language application, proceed as follows:

  1. Before the UTM subsystem starts up, delete the KCSMSGS message module from the SYSLNK.UTM.070.TPR library.

  2. Copy the KCSMSGSE module from SYSLNK.UTM.070 there instead, and rename the entry from KCSMSGSE to KCSMSGS.