Select Version
Structure of messages sent to SYSLOG or MSGTAC:
Message header | Message data, layout depending on message number |
1 28 | 29 |
Structure of the messages:
Bytes | Format | Meaning |
1 | X‘40‘ | Blank |
2-5 | C‘Kxxx‘ | Message number |
6 | X‘40 | Blank |
7-17 | C‘mm/dd/yyjjj‘ | Date, where mm=month, dd=day of month, yy=year, jjj=day of year |
18 | X‘40 | Blank |
19-24 | C‘hhmmss‘ | Time of day, where hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=second |
25-28 | C’yyyy’ | 4-digit year specification |
29 & up | Message data |
This message header corresponds to the following data structure in the COBOL COPY element KCMSGC:
05 MSGKOPF. * MESSAGE HEADER * 07 FILLER-1 PIC X. * FILLER * 07 MSGNR PIC X(4). * MESSAGE NUMBER * 07 FILLER-2 PIC X. * FILLER * 07 MSGDATE PIC X(11). * DATE OF ORIGIN * 07 FILLER-3 PIC X. * FILLER * 07 MSGTIME PIC X(6). * TIME OF ORIGIN * 07 MSGYEAR PIC X(4). * YEAR OF ORIGIN * ***************************************************************** * INSERTS OF MESSAGES * ***************************************************************** 05 KXXX PIC X(152).