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The IT infrastructure of today's companies as the heart and engine of the business must meet the requirements of the digital age. At the same time, it has to cope with increased amounts of data as well as with stricter requirements from the environment, e.g. compliance requirements. It must also be possible to integrate additional applications at short notice. And all this under the aspect of guaranteed security.
Thus, essential requirements for a modern IT infrastructure consist of, among others

  • Flexibility and almost limitless scalability also for future requirements
  • high robustness with highest availability
  • absolute safety in all respects
  • Adaptability to individual needs
  • Causing low costs

To meet these challenges, Fujitsu offers an extensive portfolio of innovative enterprise hardware, software, and support services within the environment of our enterprise mainframe platforms, and is therefore your

  • Reliable service provider, giving you longterm, flexible, and innovative support in running your company’s mainframe-based core applications

  • Ideal partner for working together to meet the requirements of digital transformation

  • Longterm partner, by reason of continuous adjustment of modern interfaces required by a modern IT landscape with all its requirements.

With openUTM, Fujitsu provides you a thoroughly tried-and-tested solution from the middleware area.

openUTM is a high-end platform for transaction processing that offers a runtime environment that meets all these requirements of modern, business-critical applications, because openUTM combines all the standards and advantages of transaction monitor middleware platforms and message queuing systems:

  • consistency of data and processing

  • high availability of the applications

  • high throughput even when there are large numbers of users (i.e. highly scalable)

  • flexibility as regards changes to and adaptation of the IT system

A UTM application on Unix, Linux and Windows systems can be run as a standalone UTM application or sumultanously on several different computers as a UTM cluster application.

openUTM forms part of the comprehensive openSEAS offering. In conjunction with the Oracle Fusion middleware, openSEAS delivers all the functions required for application innovation and modern application development. Innovative products use the sophisticated technology of openUTM in the context of the openSEAS product offering:

  • BeanConnect is an adapter that conforms to the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) and supports standardized connection of UTM applications to Java EE application servers. This makes it possible to integrate tried-and-tested legacy applications in new business processes.

  • Existing UTM applications can be migrated to the Web without modification. The UTM-HTTP interface and the WebTransactions product, are two openSEAS alternatives that allows proven host applications to be used flexibly in new business processes and modern application scenarios.

The products BeanConnect and WebTransactions are briefly presented in the performance overview. There are separate manuals for these products.

Wherever the term Linux system or Linux platform is used in the following, then this should be understood to mean a Linux distribution such as SUSE or Red Hat.

Wherever the term Windows system or Windows platform is in the following, this should be understood to mean all the variants of Windows under which openUTM runs.

Wherever the term Unix system or Unix platform is used in the following, then this should be understood to mean a Unix-based operating system such as Solaris or HP-UX.