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Configuration database


WebAdmin operation requires a database, known as the configuration database. This database contains the administration data for all the UTM applications known to WebAdmin, the hosts on which these applications run, the UPIC connections to the applications, the WebAdmin users and the application collections. The database also contains the data for (user-specific) options, authorizations, etc.
WebAdmin uses an H2 database. H2 is a SQL database written exclusively in Java that can run not only on Windows platforms, but on Unix and Linux platforms as well. It is available as freeware (at, however the runtime system for the database is supplied and installed with WebAdmin.
The first time it is started, WebAdmin creates the configuration database in the directory
It is also possible to use a configuration database created and used by openUTM WinAdmin. To do this, before starting the web server, the file winadmindb.h2.db of the WinAdmin configuration database must be copied in to the above-mentioned WebAdmin directory as webadmindb.h2.db. It is also possible to use (i.e. copy) a WebAdmin configuration database from an old installation.