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Sidebar (primary navigation)


The sidebar consists of a number of individual elements known as "racks" . It provides access to the individual object list pages, property pages and function pages. The contents of the sidebar, i.e. the racks currently being displayed, change dynamically depending on what type of page is being displayed. Each individual rack can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on ">" or "v" on the rack title bar.

This sidebar appears immediately after you log in. It contains the two racks "WebAdmin Configuration" and "Collections".

The sidebar can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the following field at the top left edge of the WebAdmin page.

Sidebar expanded:

Sidebar collapsed:

The following sidebar racks exist:

  • WebAdmin Configuration
    Provides access to global settings and the object lists for the WebAdmin objects: WebAdmin actions, WebAdmin users, hosts, UTM applications and UPIC connections.
  • Collections
    Provides access to all the available connections. Clicking on one of the collections opens this collection and closes any other collection that is currently open.
  • UTM cluster
    Provides access to the property page of the UTM cluster as well as to the cluster functions.
  • UTM Application
    Provides access to the property page of the UTM application as well as to the application functions.
  • UTM Object List
    Provides access to functions specific to the particular object list.
  • UTM Object
    Provides access to functions specific to the particular object.