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The collected messages list


You can activate the collected messages lists via the associated message collectors. Click the 'Show Messages' button on the property page for a message collector. The object list then displayed contains all the messages for this message collector that are stored in the database and/or have been fetched by WebAdmin during the current session.
The columns have the following meaning:



Sequence No.

Sequential number of the message. Each message collector has a message counter which is incremented by one each time a message is polled. If you sort the messages on this column then you will see them in the sequence in which they were generated by UTM (provided the sequence has not been changed via message queue administration (DADM)).

Polled at

Time when WebAdmin fetched the message in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.


Specifies whether or not the message is stored in the configuration database.


Specifies the number of a UTM message (e.g. K036).

Send at

Specifies the time at which a UTM message was generated in UTM (system time of the application host) in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.


Message text. If the message type 'binary data' has been chosen for the associated message collector then the binary data is displayed in a printable hexadecimal form here.If a message consists of multiple message segments then the individual segments are displayed in sequence here (separated by ":>:").