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Function kcHttpPutRspMsgBody

You can use the function kcHttpPutRspMsgBody to create the message body of the HTTP response.
The message body can be built up successively with several calls of the function, without the caller himself having to take care of the request and administration of the required memory.

This function may only called by an HTTP exit program when processing the output message.

Function declaration kcHttpPutRspMsgBody
kc_http_retcode kcHttpPutRspMsgBody( void *   rspMessageBody,
                                     int      rspMessageBodyLth,
                                     void **  totalRspMessageBody,
                                     int *    totalRspMessageBodyLth
This function has following function parameter:
>>rspMessageBodyThe pointer to the passed (part of) message body.
The length of the passed (part of) message body.
The pointer to a variable in which the pointer to the complete message body built so far is returned.
The pointer to a variable in which the length of the complete message body built so far is returned.
Description of returned value of function call:


The function has successfully terminated.


The function was not called by an HTTP exit program during processing the output message.


The pointer to the passed message rspMessageBody, the pointer to the variable totalRspMessageBody or the the pointer to variable totalRspMessageBodyLth is NULL.


The value of parameter rspMessageBodyLth is lower or equal 0.


Memory allocation failed.