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Specifics of communicating with HTTP clients

The specifics listed below must be observed when communicating with HTTP clients:

  1. HTTP clients may only call one-step dialog operations.
  2. The following restrictions apply to HTTP messages:
    1. The request line and the status line must not be larger than 2KB.
    2. The length of all headers must not be greater than 8KB.
    3. An HTTP message may contain a maximum of 100 headers.
    4. The length of a message is limited to a maximum of 32,700 bytes.
    5. The length of a message body is limited to a maximum of 32,000 bytes.
  3. No logon procedure may be configured for HTTP clients.
  4. When handling K messages, the message target PARTNER is not evaluated for HTTP clients. Instead, K Messages sent to HTTP Clients, independently of the configured message targets are only output if a K message is required as a dialog response to the HTTP client. 
    Examples are the messages K017, which is sent to a client when a process terminates, and K034, which is sent when a distributed transaction is reset.
  5. openUTM does not use cookies.
  6. Asynchronous messages cannot be sent to HTTP clients.
  7. A screen restart (KDCDISP, KDCLAST) is not possible for HTTP clients.