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Screen functions

In this chapter, you will find all the required information about the screen functions made available by openUTM. These include the use of formats as well as the possibility of influencing screen output in line mode. The chapter also describes the cases in which openUTM performs an automatic screen restart for terminals and how format names are handled during message exchange with UPIC clients.

Note on programming

In order to simplify programming, when INIT is called, openUTM indicates the name of the format or edit profile that must be specified when reading the message with MGET or FGET in the KCRMF/kcrfn.

If a format consists of multiple partial formats you have to read each partial format with a separate MGET/FGET. Here the preceding MGET/FGET provides the format identifier in KCRMF/kcrfn. This format identifier must be entered in KCMF/kcfn in the following MGET/FGET call.

A formatting system is not supported on Unix, Linux and Windows systems, although format names can still be sent to UPIC clients and LU6.1 partners.