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Installing openUTM

openUTM is normally installed using IMON. openUTM is loaded as a subsystem of BS2000 operating system. This means that various versions of openUTM can be loaded as independent UTM subsystems.

If you want to monitor the performance of your applications using SM2 or KDCMON, you must load the UTM-SM2 subsystem or the KDCMON subsystem in addition to the UTM subsystem.

Below is a summary of the specific information on openUTM, UTM-SM2 and KDCMON required for the installation.

Version dependencies to other software products such as database systems, FHS etc. and specifications on compiler versions and compatible runtime systems can be found in the Release Notice. This is supplied as an edited file on the product tape. The compiler version and runtime system information is also listed in section "Compiler versions, runtime systems, KDCDEF options".