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KDCMON - UTM event monitor

KDCMON is a functionally limited variant of COSMOS. COSMOS is a tool implemented in BS2000 for checking performance. Only UTM events and certain DB events are recorded with KDCMON. It is possible to run KDCMON and COSMOS simultaneously on a system; openSM2 and KDCMON can also be implemented together.

KDCMON can be activated during operation and then deactivated again after the desired monitoring period. The data can be written to tape or disk. With larger volumes of data, the data should be recorded on tapes; this avoids backlogs in the data entry.

The tools KDCPMSM and KDCEVAL are available for evaluating the data recorded by KDCMON:

  • KDCPMSM converts the data recorded by KDCMON and sorts it

  • KDCEVAL generates the evaluation lists from the converted data

KDCMON can also be implemented when openUTM versions are operated in parallel, i.e. KDCMON can record data from UTM applications running under various openUTM versions in the same BS2000 system.