In openUTM, STXIT routines are defined for the following event classes:
If the STXIT events PROCHK, TIMER, and ERROR occur, openUTM provides the following alternatives to the language connection module of the program unit last active:
output diagnostic information and terminate the program unit abnormally, or
continue the program unit as defined (e.g. with ON-Condition in PL/I)
If STXIT event ABEND or TERM occurs, openUTM sets PEND ER, terminates the application program with TERM and writes the following to SYSOUT:
the register contents at the time of the event
the instruction counter at the time of the interrupt
the interrupt weight
If the program units last active were COBOL, Assembler or SPL program units, all STXIT events are also handled like TERM and ABEND.
For more information on STXIT events, see the BS2000 manual “Executive Macros”. A table indicating the assignment of event to interrupt weight can be found in the openUTM manual “Messages, Debugging and Diagnostics on BS2000 Systems”.
User-defined STXIT routines
Separate STXIT exits can be assigned to the PROCHK and ERROR events in the program units. In this case, separate administration blocks must be created for these events with the STXDNEW operand.
These user-defined STXIT routines must be terminated with the EXIT CONTINU=YES macro call so that openUTM can start its own (and last) STXIT routine of the same event class.