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Preselection - defining the events to be logged

The events SIGN, CHANGE-PW, START-PU, END-PU with TACAID=P, DATA-ACCESS and ADM-CMD are not logged automatically, even when logging is switched on. Logging must also be switched on for the specific events. Controlling whether or not these events are logged is called preselection. Logging can be controlled for specific events, specific users, and specific jobs. Preselection can take place in the UTM generation and using UTM SAT administration functions.

If the preselection values are set via the administration, then the following is true:

  • The preselection values for event-driven logging are only valid for the duration of the application run. The generated values are used again each time the application is started.

  • The preselection values for user and job-specific logging remain in effect, even for UTM-F. You can transfer them to a new generation with an inverse KDCDEF.