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Accounting with distributed processing

During distributed processing, every participating application can, in principle, start services in other applications. Accounting in distributed processing is primarily of use when the roles are unevenly distributed, i.e. one application acts entirely as the job submitter and other applications assume the job receiver roles. Consequently, in this section, the applications are referred to as job-submitting applications and job-receiving applications.

The job-submitter application (job submitter) uses services provided by program units in remote partner applications (job receivers). In this case, the job-submitting application can be charged with the incurred resource utilization as a fixed price. Accounting units are assigned as a fixed price to the LTACs in the job-submitting application to do this. LTACs are the transaction codes that are defined in the job-submitting application for a service in a job-receiving application.

More details can be found in the openUTM manual “Generating Applications”, LTAC statement, LTACUNIT operand.

Calculation phase (determining the fixed price)

The average resource utilization of the program units that provided services for the job-submitting application is determined in the calculation phase in the job-receiving application. You can specify fixed prices based on the utilization values determined that will be charged to the users of LTACs in the job-submitting application.

openUTM counts the accounting units used in the LTAC calls in a field of the calculation record in the job-submitting application.

Accounting phase

In the job-receiving application, all utilization values that are incurred while processing jobs for a job-submitting application are assigned as follows:

  • With LU6.1, to the sessions (LSES) to the job submitter

  • With OSI TP, to the associations (OSI-LPAP ... ,ASSOCIATION-NAME=), if the OSI TP-job submitter did not sign on under a real user ID

The total for the services provided is therefore charged to the job-submitting application. The resources used by the individual users of the job-submitting application cannot be determined.

In the job-submitting application, openUTM adds the number of accounting units specified in the LTAC statement in the KDCDEF generation when an LTAC is called to the accounting unit counter of the user of the local application.