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Errors detected by openUTM

A program unit is terminated abnormally by openUTM in the following situations:

  • A PEND ER or FR was programmed.

  • A UTM call supplied a KDCS return code >=70Z. In this case, openUTM internally sets PEND ER.

In both situations, openUTM aborts the service. If a PEND FR was programmed, then openUTM does not take any other action.

If the service was terminated by a PEND ER (in a program or internally), then openUTM creates a UTM dump with REASON=PENDER that only conveys the data of the KDCROOT. The affected work process is then terminated. The main process subsequently starts a new work process, which dynamically loads the application program. This brings the static data areas to a new state and avoids follow-up errors due to the overwriting of data.