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SYSLOG as a simple file

You can create the SYSLOG file as a simple file before the start of the application in the filebase base directory. If neither a file nor a file generation directory with the name SYSLOG exists in filebase when the application starts, then openUTM creates a simple file called SYSLOG.

At the start of the application, openUTM opens the SYSLOG file. It remains open for the entire application run. openUTM writes all the events of an application run into this file.

With each subsequent start of the application, the contents of the SYSLOG file are overwritten by openUTM. The log information from the previous application run is lost. After the end of an application run, you should therefore save the contents of the SYSLOG file, if necessary.


If you want to maintain the SYSLOG as a simple file, then you many not activate size monitoring for the SYSLOG. If you switch on size monitoring in the UTM generation with MAX..,SYSLOG-SIZE=size (size > 0), then openUTM aborts the start of the application with the start error code 58.