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Cold start and warm start

These terms are explained below for openUTM:

  • Cold start: Start following a normal termination of the UTM application or following a regeneration.

  • Warm start: Start following an abnormal termination of the UTM application.

Cold start with openUTM

Before an application starts for the first time, you have created the KDCFILE using the UTM generation tool KDCDEF. Following a regeneration of the KDCFILE or if a UTM application has been normally terminated first, openUTM performs a cold start the next time the application is started. Once it has started successfully, openUTM issues the following message:

K051 Successful cold start for application appliname under UTM V07.0A00 / <type of operating system> / <bit mode of the system>

Warm start with openUTM

If a UTM application has been abnormally terminated, openUTM performs a warm start the next time this application is started. During a warm start, openUTM brings the KDCFILE into a consistent state. Once it has started successfully, openUTM issues the following message:

K050 Successful warm start for application appliname under UTM V07.0A00 / <type of operating system> / <bit mode of the system>

You should note that UTM-S and UTM-F differ in the scope of their restart functions. See also chapter "Fault tolerance and the restart function" in the openUTM manual “Concepts und Functions”.

If a UTM database application terminated abnormally (operating system crash or UTM application crash), the administrator of the database system must bring the database to a correct state before the warm start. When a warm start is carried out for a UTM database application, openUTM implements a common recovery phase.