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Starting with utmmain (Windows systems)

You need to take the following steps to start an application with utmmain:

  1. Add the utmpath \ex directory to the PATH variable for the user ID under which the UTM application is to be run.

  2. Create the start parameter file as described on "Start parameter file of the application".

  3. Open a command prompt window with Start - Programs - Command Prompt, change to the application directory, and enter the following at the prompt:

    utmmain filebase [ startparam-file]


    is the fully qualified base name for the UTM application (the name of the directory of the application). You can also enter filebase as a relative path name, e.g. as "." (dot) if you call utmmain from the filebase directory.


     is the fully qualified name of the file in which the start parameters are defined. If this parameter is omitted, then the start parameters must be in the file filebase /startparameter.

    You can also create a shortcut for the utmmain call so that you can start the UTM application with the mouse or with a hot key. See the following example for more details.

utmmain produces messages on stdout at the start of the application as well as during the application run; error messages occurring at the start are output to stderr (see also "Error messages at the application start"). These messages can be redirected to a file as shown in the following example.


The application is located in the directory C:\utmtest\example and you have added the directory utmpath \ex to the PATH variable of your user ID. The start parameter file has the default name startparameter and is also located in the directory of the application.

If you want to redirect all messages to a file, then open a command prompt window now and start the UTM application as follows:

cd C:\utmtest\example

utmmain . 1>utmp.out 2>utmp.err

If the output is to be handled further by a program or a command file named filter instead, then call utmmain as follows:

utmmain . 2>&1 | filter

Using this method, you can react to messages from the network process, for example, which is not possible with an MSGTAC program.

Redirection to the filter script is only possible if automatic switchover of the log files has not been activated (see SYSPROT in section "Start parameter file of the application").

Starting the UTM application using a shortcut

You can create a shortcut for this purpose so that you can start the application with the mouse or using a certain keyboard command.

On Windows systems proceed as follows:

  1. Click on an empty part of the screen background with the right mouse key, select New and click on Shortcut. The Create Shortcut window opens:

    • Enter the following in the Location of the item field:

      cmd.exe /c utmmain . ./startp.std >utmp.out 2>utmp.err <nul

      A command prompt window is opened by CMD and the command is then executed there.
      /C means that the window is to be closed after utmmain terminates.

    • Click Next and specify an appropriate name in the Create Link window, e.g. start-utm.

    • Click on Finish. The window closes and an icon with the name start-utm appears on the screen.

  2. Click on the icon with the right mouse button and select Properties. Click on the Shortcut tab and execute the following steps there:

    • Enter the directory C:\utmtest\example (= application directory) in the Start in field. This makes utmmain look for the parameters in this directory, and it also stores the files in this directory.

    • Place the cursor in Shortcut Key field and press CTRL, ALT and F3 at the same time. You can also assign a different icon to the shortcut in this window via the Change Icon... button.

    • Press OK. The shortcut is now done, and the application can be started by double-clicking on the icon or by pressing CTRL+ALT+F3.