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Working with a UTM application

This chapter describes the various dialog types with which a terminal user can sign on to and sign off from a UTM application. Communication always following the same principle for all clients:

  1. Sign on to the UTM application
    A user can only sign on via clients for which LTERM partners, LTERM pools, or OSI-LPAP partners have been generated in the UTM application; see the openUTM manual “Generating Applications”. It is not possible to sign on using remote login mechanisms, for example.

  2. Call services of the UTM application
    openUTM offers a separate authorization concept for data access control, see "Authorization concept of openUTM".

  3. Enter UTM user commands if necessary.

  4. Sign off from the UTM application.

The details of these steps vary depending on the type of client. The following sections describe the options available for the various clients.

UTM user IDs are used for access, provided the application is generated with user IDs. For information on signing on to a UTM application without user IDs, see chapter "Sign-on process without user IDs".