Display POSIX user attributes
This command displays the POSIX user attributes of a BS2000 user ID which are entered in the user catalog of the specified pubset. The following users may execute the command:
Owners of the POSIX-ADMINISTRATION or USER-ADMINISTRATION privilege for all BS2000 user IDs on all pubsets.
Group administrators for the group and subgroup members under his/her responsibility on the pubset administered by them.
Every user for his/her own BS2000 user ID.
SHOW-POSIX-USER-ATTRIBUTES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines the BS2000 user IDs whose POSIX user attributes are to be displayed.
The POSIX user attributes of the user’s own BS2000 user ID, as entered in the user catalog of the specified pubset, are displayed.
The POSIX user attributes of all BS2000 user IDs which the caller is authorized to know are displayed.
USER-IDENTIFICATION = list-poss(20): <name 1..8>
The POSIX user attributes of the specified ID are displayed.
Determines the pubset from whose user catalog the POSIX user attributes are to be displayed.
The POSIX user attributes of the home pubset are displayed.
The POSIX user attributes of all pubsets which are available at command input are displayed.
PUBSET = list-poss(20): <catid 1..4>
The POSIX user attributes of the specified pubset are displayed.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected by means of their POSIX user attributes.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected independently of their POSIX user attributes.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected depending on their POSIX user attributes. If more than one POSIX user attribute is specified, selection is made by logical ANDing.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected by means of their user number.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected independently of their user number.
Only those BS2000 user IDs for which the appropriate default value is entered as the user number in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
Only those BS2000 user IDs which entered the same user number as the caller in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
USER-NUMBER = <integer 0..60002>
Only those BS2000 user IDs which entered the specified user number in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected on the basis of their group number.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected independently of their group number.
Only those BS2000 user IDs for which the appropriate default value is entered as a group number in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
Only those BS2000 user IDs which entered the same group number as the caller in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
GROUP-NUMBER = <integer 0..60002>
Only those BS2000 user IDs which entered the specified group number in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected by means of their comment.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected independently of their comment.
Only the BS2000 user IDs for which the appropriate default value is entered as a comment in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
Only those BS2000 user IDs for which no comment has been entered are selected.
COMMENT = <c-string 1..255 with-low>
Only the BS2000 user IDs with the specified comment are selected.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected by means of their login directory.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected independently of their login directory.
Only those BS2000 user IDs for which the appropriate default value is entered as a login directory in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
Only the BS2000 user IDs which entered the root directory as a login directory are selected.
DIRECTORY = <posix-pathname 1..1023 without-wild>
Only the BS2000 user IDs with the specified login directory are selected.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected by means of their program name.
The BS2000 user IDs are selected independently of the program name.
Only those BS2000 user IDs for which the appropriate default value is entered as the program name in the user catalog of the specified pubset are selected.
Only the BS2000 user IDs which entered *SHELL as the program name are selected.
PROGRAM = <posix-pathname 1..1023 without-wild>
Only the BS2000 user IDs with the specified program name are selected.
Determines the amount of information output.
All POSIX user attributes of a BS2000 user ID are displayed (see example 1).
A list of the BS2000 user IDs without POSIX user attributes is displayed (see example 2).
Determines the system file for the output of information.
The information is output to the SYSOUT system file.
The information is output to the SYSLST system file.
Determines the SYSLST number.
Determines default SYSLST output.
SYSLST-NUMBER = <integer 1..99>
Determines the specified SYSLST number.
Specifies the line count per page.
64 lines per page are printed by default.
LINES-PER-PAGE = <integer 20..255>
The specified number of lines per page is printed.
A user without an administrator function only obtains information about his/her own BS2000 user ID, with two possible exceptions:
In the case of INFORMATION=*ALL, the user number and group number are marked if the appropriate default value, which is entered in the user catalog of the specified pubset, is assigned (SHOW output with “(DEFAULT)” or S variables with the suffix “-DEF”).
Command return codes
(SC2) | SC1 | Maincode | Meaning |
0 | CMD0001 | Command executed without errors | |
2 | 0 | SRM6001 | Command executed with warning |
32 | CMD2009 | Error while creating the output variable | |
32 | SRM6020 | Command rejected due to system error | |
64 | OPS0002 | K2 interruption during output in S variable | |
64 | SRM6040 | Command rejected with error message | |
130 | OPS0001 | Lack of resources during output in S variable | |
130 | SRM6030 | Command rejected because of unavailable resources |
Example 1
/SHOW-POSIX-USER-ATTRIBUTES USER-IDENTIFICATION=EXAMPLES,PUBSET=A POSIX-USER-ATTRIBUTES --- PUBSET A 2009-03-09 17:19:48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER-ID EXAMPLES PUBSET A USER-NUMBER 632 GROUP-NUMBER 632 COMMENT S. Nobody, Mch-P, Tel.: 12345 DIRECTORY /home/examples PROGRAM *SHELL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSIX-USER-ATTRIBUTES END OF DISPLAY
Example 2
/SHOW-POSIX-USER-ATTRIBUTES USER-ID=*ALL,PUBSET=A,INFORMATION=*USER-LIST POSIX-USER-LIST --- PUBSET A 2009-03-09 17:23:12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLES SERVICE SYSAUDIT SYSDUMP SYSGEN SYSHSMS SYSNAC SYSPRIV SYSROOT SYSSNAP SYSSPOOL SYSUSER TSOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSIX-USER-LIST END OF DISPLAY
S variables
The INFORMATION operand of the command determines which S variables are supplied with values. The following specifications are possible for INFORMATION:
Notation in the command | Abbreviated notation in table |
Please note that S variables are only created if the appropriate conditions are valid (see under column “Condition”).
Output information | Name of the S variable | T | Contents | Condition |
Comment used as a selection criterion for the BS2000 user ID | var(*LIST).COMMENT | S | *NONE | INF=*ALL |
Login directory | var(*LIST).DIR | S | <posix-path-name | INF=*ALL |
POSIX group number | var(*LIST).GROUP-NUM | I | <integer 0..60002> | INF=*ALL |
Default POSIX group number | var(*LIST).GROUP-NUM-DEF | B | FALSE | INF=*ALL |
Name of the program used as a selection criterion for the BS2000 user ID | var(*LIST).PROG | S | *SHELL | INF=*ALL |
Catalog ID of the pubset | var(*LIST).PUBSET | S | <catid 1..4> | INF=*ALL/ |
BS2000 user ID whose POSIX user attributes are displayed | var(*LIST).USER-ID | S | <name 1..8> | INF=*ALL |
var(*LIST).USER-ID(*LIST) | S | <name 1..8> | INF= | |
POSIX user number | var(*LIST).USER-NUM | I | <integer 0..60002> | INF=*ALL |
Default POSIX user number | var(*LIST).USER-NUM-DEF | B | FALSE | INF=*ALL |
See the "BS2000 Commands" [28] manual for more information on S variables.
Example 1
/declare-var var-name=pos-user-att(type=*struct),multi-elem=*list /exec-cmd (show-posix-user-attr inf=*all),text-output=*none,structure-output=pos-user-att /show-var pos-user-att,inf=*par(value=*c-literal) POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).PUBSET = '1SBZ' POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).USER-ID = 'TSOS' POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).USER-NUM = 0 POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).USER-NUM-DEF = FALSE POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).GROUP-NUM = 0 POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).GROUP-NUM-DEF = FALSE POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).COMMENT = '*NONE' POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).DIR = '/' POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).PROG = '*SHELL' *END-OF-VAR /
Example 2
/exec-cmd (show-posix-user-attr inf=*user-list),text-outp=*none,struct-outp=pos-user-att /show-var pos-user-att,inf=*par(value=*c-literal) POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).PUBSET = '1SBZ' POS-USER-ATT(*LIST).USER-ID(*LIST) = 'TSOS' *END-OF-VAR /