This option enables you to expand any POSIX file system, including root and var, in offline mode.
You can also expand all POSIX file system except root and var in online mode (see "Administer POSIX filesystems ", expand command).
Expand of POSIX filesystem BS2000 filename: Characteristics before expand after expand BS2000 filesize PAM-Pages PAM-Pages size of filesystem PAM-Pages PAM-Pages inodes free inodes datablocks (4 kB) (4 kB) free datablocks (4 kB) (4 kB) Best value for expand is PAM pages + N * PAM pages (N >= 0) Expand value: PAM pages ================================================================================ Execute expand: ENTER Help: F1 Terminate: F2
Figure 25: Follow-up mask for “Expand POSIX filesystems”
BS2000 filename
In this field you enter the name of the container file for the file system that is to be expanded.
Characteristics before expand / after expand
The current characteristics of the file system before and after the expansion are displayed in these columns.
Best value for expand is ...
The optimum value for expansion is displayed in this line (to prevent unused or only partially used PAM pages).
Expand value
In this field you specify the number of PAM pages by which the file system is to be expanded. Repeating ENTER after a successful expansion does not trigger another expansion but is ignored.
After successful expansion, a new file system can be specified or you can return to the start mask by pressing F2.