Use this option to install POSIX user programs and program packages in the POSIX file system, see also "Installing additional software ".
BS2000 POSIX package installation IMON support ? : Y (y) mandatory for official package (n) private package (SINLIB...) name of product : package of product : (optional for certain products) version of product : (format Vmm.n or mmn) correction state : (format aso, optional for IMON support) installation userid: (mandatory for no IMON support) install: ENTER help: F1 terminate: F2
Figure 27: Follow-up mask for “Install packages on POSIX”
IMON support? (y/n)
Defines whether installation is carried out from within the SCI (IMON support: y) or from a private filing ID (IMON support: n).
The default is IMON support: y.
name of product
Product name (release unit).
package of product
Package name if the product is split into packages.
version of product (Vmm.n or mmn format)
Product version:
with 'IMON support: y' in Vmm.n or mmn format (m,n: digits) or empty
with 'IMON support: n' in mmn format (m,n: digits)
correction state (aso format)
Only with 'IMON support: y' and only together with 'version of product':
Specifies the correction state in aso format (a: letter; s,o: digits)
The field must remain empty if 'version of product' is empty (see case 1 in section “The installation program in conjunction with IMON”).
installation userid (no IMON support)
Only with 'IMON support: n' (otherwise empty):
User ID of the private filing ID
If incorrect entries are made (e.g. entry of characters in an “empty” field), an error message is output and the mask is presented again for modification.
Before installing a new version, use “Delete packages from POSIX” to remove the old version of the program package. Note that this cannot delete the extended shell (package name POSIX-SH).