Interfaces for the security control of a user are defined in the POSIX standard. Specific information on a user is requested with these interfaces before this user may use an operating system. The following user data is available for authentication:
User ID/login name of the user
User number
Group number
Initial value for the working directory
Program to be started
Further information can be added as required.
The user ID and the corresponding password entered by a user when signing on are checked against the administration information. If the input values are correct, the user is allowed to access to the operating system. For further information, please refer to section “Assigning POSIX user attributes”.
The following relationships exist between the POSIX user data and the BS2000 user data:
The login name of the user and the BS2000 user ID are identical.
The POSIX password and the BS2000 LOGON password are identical.
For the remaining POSIX user data, there is no equivalent on the BS2000 side.
In POSIX, only user names in uppercase letters are supported in login names.
POSIX user data is stored and administered by BS2000 user administration for this purpose, (for further information, please refer to chapter “Administering POSIX users”). The data is integrated in the BS2000 user data as POSIX user attributes. POSIX user data is accessed via BS200 user and system administrator commands.