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dumpfs - dump file system


The command dumpfs outputs the super block and cylinder group information for the specified file system. This command can, for example, be used to determine the block and fragment sizes which are specifed for the file system as well as the minimum required storage space in percent.


dumpfs file_system


Name of the file system for which the information is to be output.

This command may only be entered by the POSIX administrator. It is only of use to system maintenance staff for diagnostic purposes.


The dumpfs command is not supported for bs2fs file systems.


Printing out information on the root file system:

# dumpfs /
magic   11954   version 0       time    Thu Jun 18 10:29:10 2020
sblkno  4       cblkno  6       iblkno  8       dblkno  72
sbsize  4096    cgsize  4096    cgoffset 8      cgmask  0xfffffff8
ncg     147     size    150528  blocks  140527  ocgmask 0x00000000
bsize   8192    shift   13      mask    0xffffe000
fsize   4096    shift   12      mask    0xfffff000
frag    2       shift   1       fsbtodb 1
minfree 10%     maxbpg  1024
maxcontig 1     rotdelay 0ms    rps     60
csaddr  72      cssize  4096    shift   9       mask    0xfffffe00
ntrak   8       nsect   16      spc     128     ncyl    2352
cpg     16      bpg     512     fpg     1024    ipg     2048
nindir  2048    inopb   64      nspf    2
nbfree  50121   ndir    322     nifree  293245  nffree  76
cgrotor 73      fmod    0       ronly   0       flags   0x00

        (197,7,2021,1) (22,7,1980,2) ...
cg 0:
magic   190255  tell    6000    time    Mon Jun 22 19:40:00 2020
cgx     0       ncyl    16      niblk   2048    ndblk   1024
nbfree  198     ndir    7       nifree  2013    nffree  1
rotor   628     irotor  32      frotor  624
frsum   1
sum of frsum: 1
iused:  0-31, 33-35
free:   94-95, 629-1023

cg 146:
magic   90255   tell    24816000        time    Thu Sep  7 13:46:32 2017
cgx     146     ncyl    0       niblk   2048    ndblk   1024
nbfree  478     ndir    0       nifree  2048    nffree  0
rotor   0       irotor  0       frotor  0
frsum   0
sum of frsum: 0
free:   0-19, 88-1023