edtu calls the BS2000 file editor EDT in Unicode mode, see the "EDT (BS2000) Unicode Mode Statements" [8] manual. In contrast to the edt command, which calls EDT in compatibility mode, this command makes the complete functional scope of EDT V17.0 or higher available.
The major functional enhancements compared with compatibility mode are:
Support of XHCS character sets, including Unicode
Processing of files with record lengths of up to 32768 bytes
Availability of all 22 work files, also in F mode
New screen formats (@VDT F3..F4)
Support of POSIX files in the EDT statements @COPY, @OPEN and @WRITE (instead of the EDT V16 statements @XCOPY, @XOPEN and @XWRITE)
Like edt, edtu is also only available on BS2000 block-mode terminals and not on character-mode terminals (rlogin, telnet, ssh).
In contrast to edt, however, edtu can also be called in subshells. This does not, however, apply for shells in which the necessary SYSFILE environment is not installed because, for instance, they were generated in an su session.
edtu[ -hrI][-i n] [-c ccsn | -k] [-v vdt] [pathname ...] |
Help. The syntax of the edtu command is output in English.
All files are opened in read mode only. When edtu is terminated, all open files are discarded without an inquiry.
Information lines are displayed (corresponds to @PAR GLOBAL,INFO=ON).
The lines are numbered with the step size <n> * 0.0001 (still supported for compatibility
The file(s) specified with pathname is/are available in the ccsn character set (default: EDF041).
The file(s) specified with pathname is/are available in the ISO character set (corresponds to:
EDT is started with screen format vdt (F1..F4, default: F1) (corresponds to @VDT vdt).
The UFS file pathname is opened for editing. Up to 22 files can be opened in work files 0 through 21. Pipe outputs (e.g. |
edtu writes a table of contents of all opened files to work file 22. The EDT dialog begins in this work file if more than one file has been opened. If only one file has been opened, the dialog begins in work file 0. EDT can be terminated in the following ways:
When EDT is terminated, the following messages are issued if the work file number was modified and EDT was not terminated with @RETURN:
The file file opened in work file number could not be written back as it is write-protected.
The POSIX file file which is opened in work file number has not yet been written back.
The library element element from library library which was opened in work file number has not yet been written back.
The BS2000 file file opened in work file number has not yet been written back. Depending on the type of termination, one of the following texts is appended to these messages: In the case of
The changes are discarded because termination took place with @HALT FORGET. In the case of
Inquiry as to whether the file is to be written back or EDT is to be returned to. If the modified work file number was written back, one of the following messages is issued:
The file file opened in work file number was written back.
The POSIX file file which is opened in work file number was written back.
The library element element from library library which was opened in work file number was written back.
The BS2000 file file opened in work file number was written back. Options -k and -c only have an influence on open POSIX files and not on BS2000 files which are subsequently opened in the EDT dialog. If neither of the options -k or -c is specified, automatic conversion of POSIX files to ASCII file systems with the help of the environment variable IO_CONVERSION is supported. The tab character ('\t') is not converted into the corresponding number of blanks. In contrast to edt, edtu can also be read from a pipe:
The output of the pipe is read into work file 0, and this is then labeled with the read-only attribute, i.e. the user must, if necessary, ensure that work file 0 is saved. Any files specified are read into work file 1 etc. |
The edtu command was entered on a character-mode terminal (rlogin, telnet, ssh).
The edtu command was entered in a subshell in which the required SYSFILE environment is not initialized. This is not permitted.