ftyp determines whether files are interpreted as text or binary files when copied between BS2000 and the POSIX file system using bs2cp. The command is only effective for SAM files and for text-type PLAM library elements (element type other than LLM). PAM files and LLMs are always interpreted as binary files and ISAM files are always interpreted as text files.
If no ftyp command is entered, all SAM files are interpreted as text files.
ftyp[ -h][ text|binary|textbin] |
No option specified The text option is used.
Prints out the command syntax with an explanation of the options.
SAM files and text-type library elements are to be interpreted as text files. When writing to the BS2000, newline characters (x’15’) are converted into line change (record change); Tab characters (x’05’) are replaced by a corresponding number of spaces to tab position. When a file is read from the BS2000 a newline character is appended to each record which is read (x’15’). This option can not be used for SAM files with fixed record length.
SAM files are to be interpreted as binary files. No conversions are performed. This option can also be used for SAM files with fixed record length. In this case the last record is padded out with binary zeros.
SAM files and text-type library elements are to be interpreted as binary text files. When writing to the BS2000, newline characters (x’15’) are converted into line change (record change). Tabs are not converted. When a file is read from the BS2000 a newline character is appended to each record which is read (x’15’). This option can not be used for SAM files with fixed record length. |
The input file of the POSIX file system should be transferred to the BS2000 as a binary file.
See also
bs2cp, bs2file |