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Command summary according to functions


The following summary indicates the function-specific subdivision of POSIX commands. Since some commands can be allocated to more than one function, it is possible that names may be duplicated. For a detailed description of the commands in alphabetical order please refer to the chapter “Commands”.

The commands are allocated to the following main functions:

  • Command interpreter

  • Querying or modifying the user environment

  • Managing and processing files and texts

    • outputting

    • processing

    • saving and archiving

    • compressing and restoring to uncompressed state

    • querying and modifying file properties

  • modifying and managing the file system

    • modifying the file system

    • managing the file system

  • Printing and print management

  • Data display terminal

  • Editors

  • Auxiliary commands for shell procedures

  • Reading, converting and outputting characters

  • Querying and modifying user properties

  • User administration

  • Interuser communication

  • Calendar functions and dates

  • Arithmetic functions

  • Compiler commands

  • Program testing

  • Job management

  • Process information

  • Process control

  • Inter-process communication

  • Terminal

  • Checking storage availability

  • Information on system data

  • Online documentation

  • Flushing the system buffer

  • Calling BS2000 procedures

  • Administer POSIX program cache

  • Network commands

  • NLS commands (Native Language System)

Command interpreter

shPOSIX shell

Query or modify user environment

cdchange working directory
envset environment for command execution
fuserdisplay file users
idreturn user identity
lastdisplay last logged in users
lognamedisplay login name
lslist directory contents
pwdreturn working directory name
susubstitute user ID
sudoExecute a command as another user
ttyoutput path name of current terminal
whoshow who is on the system

Managing and processing files and texts

catconcatenate and print files
hdhex dump
headcopy the first part of files
morepage through a text file
oddump files in various formats
prprepare files for printing
stringsfind printable strings in object or binary files
tailcopy the last part of a file
zcatdisplay compressed files in expanded form

awkpattern scanning and processing language
cksumwrite file checksums and sizes
cmpcompare two files
commselect or reject lines common to two sorted files
csplitcontext split
cutcut out selected fields of each line of a file
diffdifferential file comparator
edt, edtuprocess file with EDT (BS2000)
egrepsearch a file with an ERE pattern
fgrepsearch a file for a fixed-string pattern
findfind files
foldfilter for folding lines
grepsearch a file for a pattern
joinrelational database operator
nlnumber lines
pastemerge corresponding or subsequent lines of files
patchuse diff list
sortsort, merge or sequence check text files
splitsplit a file into pieces
sumprint checksum and block count of a file
trtransliterate characters
tsorttopological sort
uniqreport or filter out repeated lines in a file
wcword, line and byte or character count

save and archive
armanage libraries
cpiocopy in and out
ddconvert and copy files
iconvcodeset conversion
nmprint symbol table of object file
paxportable archive processing
tarfile archiver
unziplist, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
zipPackage and compress (archive) files

compressing and restoring to uncompressed state
compresscompress files
uncompressexpand compressed files
zcatdisplay compressed files in expanded form

query and modify file properties
chgrpchange file group ownership
chmodchange file modes
chownchange file ownership
filecheck type of file
lslist directory contents
touchchange file access and modification times
umaskget or set the file mode creation mask

Modifying and managing the file system

modify file system
bs2cpcopy BS2000 files
bs2fileset BS2000 file attributes
cpcopy files
csplitcontext split
findfind files
fsexpandExpand existing file systems
ftypdetermine processing mode for BS2000 files
lnlink files
makemaintain groups of files
mkdirmake directory
mvmove files
rmremove directory entries
rmdirremove directories
splitsplit a file into pieces

Manage file system
dumpfsdump file system
fsckfile system check
mkfifomake FIFO special file
mknodmake an inode
mountmount a file system
mountallmount file systems
pathchkcheck pathnames
show_pubset_exportshow file systems affected by EXPORT-PUBSET
start_bs2fsdstart copy daemons
umountunmount a file system
umountallunmount file systems

Printing and print management

asainterpret carriage-control characters
bs2lpsend files to a printer
cancelcancel requests to an LP print service
lpsend requests to an LP print service
lpstatprint information about the status of the LP print
prprepare files for printing


edinteractive line editor
edt, edtuprocess file with EDT (BS2000)
excommand and display editor
sedstream editor
vidisplay editor (visual)

Auxiliary commands for shell procedures

basenamereturn non-directory portion of path name
dirnamereturn directory portion of path name
exprevaluate arguments as an expression
falsereturn false value
getoptsparse utility options
pathchkcheck pathnames
sleepsuspend execution for an interval
testevaluate expression
truereturn true value
xargsconstruct argument list(s) and execute command
[ ... ]evaluate expression (like test)

Reading, converting and outputting characters

echowrite arguments to standard output
hdhex dump
oddump files in various formats
printoutput mechanism similar to echo
printfformatted output
teejoin pipes and make copies of input

Querying and modifying user properties

idreturn user identity
lognamedisplay login name
mesgpermit or deny messages
newgrpchange to a new group

User administration

fuserdisplay file users
lastdisplay last logged in users
whoshow who is on the system

Interuser communication

mailxinteractive message processing system (mail extended)
mesgpermit or deny messages
talktalk to another user
writewrite to another user

Calendar functions and dates

atexecute commands at a later time
batchexecute commands at a later time
calprint calendar
crontabregularly execute commands at specific times
datewrite the date and time

Arithmetic functions

bcarbitrary precision arithmetic language
exprevaluate arguments as an expression

integer calculations

Compiler commands

lexgenerate programs for lexical tasks
yaccyet another compiler-compiler

Program testing

debugtest POSIX programs

Job management

bgrun jobs in the background
fgrun jobs in the foreground
jobsdisplay status of jobs in the current session

Process information

loggerlog messages
psreport process status
timetime a simple command
timeswrite process times

Process control

at / batchexecute commands at a later time
killterminate or signal processes
nicerun a command at low priority (be nice)
nohuprun a command immune to hangups and quits
renicealter the scheduling priority of running processes
sleepsuspend execution for an interval
waitawait process completion

Inter-process communication

ipcrmremove inter-process communication facilities
ipcsinter-process communication status

Data display terminal

bs2pkeyset P keys
expandconvert tabs to spaces
sttydisplay or modify attributes of a data display station
tabsset tabs on a terminal
tputinitialize a terminal or query the terminfo database
ttyoutput path name of current terminal

convert spaces to tabs

Checking storage availability

dfreport free disk space
duestimate file space usage

Information on system data

infoOnline diagnostic tool
pkginfoDisplay informations about software packages
psreport process status
unameoutput basic data on the current operating system
whoshow who is on the system

Online documentation

mandisplay on-line manual pages

Clearing the system buffer

syncflush system buffer

Calling BS2000 procedures

bs2doCalling BS2000 procedures from POSIX

Administer POSIX program cache

pdblAdminister private POSIX loader
posdblAdminister POSIX loader

Networking commands

pingsend echo requests to network hosts
rcpremote file copy
rshremote shell
uudecodedecode file after mailing with mailx
uuencodeencode file for mailing with mailx
uunamelist names of UUCP systems

NLS commands (Native Language System)

gencatgenerate a binary encoded message catalog
localecall up information about the locale
localedefdefine locale

Subsystem administration

uspDynamic setting of POSIX control parameters