The actions involved in removing a limitation depend on:
the type of syntax file in which the limitation is defined
whether the limitation is to be removed on a global basis or only for particular users
whether the limitation involves the functional scope of a command implemented via a system module, a command implemented via a procedure, or a user program
whether the limitation is to be removed completely or only partially
whether the limitation is implemented via disabling, deletion or modification of a command or statement.
The procedure often corresponds to that used to define the limitation.
If the limitation was implemented by deleting the definition of a command, statement, operand or operand value, it may be removed by reinstating the deleted definition using COPY.
If the limitation was implemented by modifying the definition of a command, statement, operand or operand value, the first step involves deleting the modified definition by means of REMOVE. Then, in a second step, the original definition can be reinstated using COPY.
If a command or statement modification defined in a group or user syntax file is to be completely removed, the syntax file should be opened without assignment of a reference file and the modified definition removed by means of REMOVE. This approach presupposes that the original version of the definition is still present in the relevant system or group syntax file.
If a command or statement lock defined in a group or user syntax file is to be lifted, this can be done with the aid of the RESTORE statement. When unlocking the definition of a command implemented via system modules for a user syntax file, one must bear in mind that the command definition must be contained in the reference syntax files assigned when the user syntax file is opened.